- Cabinet Decisions: Approval for land allotment to solar and renewable energy research center
Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
In a Cabinet meeting held at the Mantralaya, chaired by Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav, a decision was made to expand the manufacturing area for electrical and renewable energy equipment in the Industrial Area of Mohasa-Babai, District Narmadapuram. As per the decision, 214.42 acres of land have been added to the previously designated 227.54 acres, bringing the total area reserved for this sector to 441.96 acres.
The Cabinet approved to the allotting of 21.494 hectares of land located in village Bhauri, district Bhopal to the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal for the establishment of Solar and other Renewable Energy Research Centre.
The institute is conducting world-class, exceptional research in the field of pure and applied sciences. The primary objective of the proposed research center will be to enhance the efficiency of solar cells, minimize energy loss, and advance world-class research in other renewable energy sources, including wind energy.
Favorable Decision for Govt Employees
The Cabinet has decided to give a hypothetical annual increment to the government servants retiring on 30th June or 31st December for fixing of pension. Under this, the government servants who have retired or are going to retire on 30th June will be given the notional annual increment fixed on 1st July. Similarly, the government servants who retired or are going to retire on 31st December will be given a notional annual salary increment as of 1st January. The benefit of increased pension as a result of notional salary increase will be payable on or after May 1, 2023.
Decision to transfer new building
The Cabinet decided to transfer the newly constructed building located in Indore by Madhya Pradesh Finance Corporation to the Commercial Tax Department at a transfer price of Rs 150 crore. The Commercial Tax Department will be able to start using the building after getting possession of the building, completing the electrical adjustment, general repairs etc. and obtaining the building completion certificate from the Municipal Corporation Indore.