Kolkata, (UNI) Flipkart, India’s homegrown e-commercemarketplace, is gearing up to mark the 10th edition of its annualflagship event,the Big Billion Days (TBBD). In the run-up to the festive season, acompany release said on Monday.
Flipkart is looking at hiring and creating lakhs of seasonal jobsacross its pan India supply chain to cater to customer demand duringthe festive season.
Ahead of the festive season, Flipkart is expected to generate over1,00,000 new job opportunities across its supply chain,including fulfillment centers, sortation centers,and delivery hubs.These seasonal jobs include local kirana delivery partners,women, persons with disabilities (PWDs), and others, thus creatingavenues for diverse supply chain talent.
This year, Flipkart has scaled its supply chain with last-miledistribution hubs and large-scale fulfillment centers, strengtheningits reach in tier-III citiesand beyond. It has added more than 19 lakh square feet of space acrossUttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Bihar, Punjab, Rajasthan, Telangana and manymore states.
All hired personnel will undergo training in the supply chain processfor their respective function and are trained to handle Hand-HeldDevices,PoS Machines, scanners, various mobile applications, and more. As aresult, these employees become future-ready to work in tech-drivensupply chains, food tech, and other allied industries, according tosenior vice president and head of supply chain Hemant Badri.