Bhopal: Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, who was the CM for the longest period in Madhya Pradesh, has finally vacated the CM House today. Now new CM Mohan Yadav will live in this bungalow. After the announcement of Mohan Yadav as the new Chief Minister, Shivraj had made it clear that he would vacate the CM’s bungalow soon.
Shivraj offered prayers in temple
Former CM Shivraj before vacating the CM House, offered prayers in the temple located in the bungalow. During this, he also had darshan of Gau Mata in the Gaushala. Along with this he interacted with the family and the staff of the Chief Minister’s residence and thanked everyone for their cooperation. He has congratulated the new Chief Minister of the state Mohan Yadav and his team.
I have many memories
Shivraj greeted Mohan Yadav on this occasion. He said- I have many memories associated with this bungalow. While living in this house, I have done many development works related to Madhya Pradesh.
On his role, he said- Whatever role the party gives me, I will perform it. We will definitely fulfill the promises we have made to the public. Shivraj said that as Mama and brother of the girls and women he will always be available for the development of the state, there will be no change in this.
Along with this, when former CM Shivraj came out of the Chief Minister’s residence, his son Karthikeya Chouhan was driving his car. During this, Sadhna Singh said, “We are leaving happily.”
Shivraj’s lucky bungalow
Now the new residence of Shivraj Singh Chouhan will be a bungalow located on Ring Road in the capital Bhopal. Shivraj will now shift to B8-74 bungalow. After leaving CM House, Shivraj Singh Chouhan will now live with his family in this bungalow. This bungalow has been allotted in the name of Shivraj Singh Chouhan ever since he became active in the politics of the state. According to Shivraj, this is his lucky bungalow. This is the reason why even after so many years, Shivraj has never vacated this bungalow.