Bhopal: The delegation of Shri Hindu Utsav Samiti have requested Deputy Chief Minister Jagdish Deora to participate in the Holi Chal Samaroh to be organized on March 25. President Santosh Sahu, General Secretary Subodh Jain and Convener Bhagwandas Dhalia requested Deora to be present as the chief guest in the Chal Samaroh and gave a detailed introduction of the glorious organization of Shri Hindu Utsav Samiti in the capital. Deputy CM Deora released posters of Holi Chal Samaroh
Jagdish Deora ji accepted the invitation by the committee officer and extended his congratulations and best wishes to everyone and appealed to everyone to celebrate the festival with peace and harmony. On this occasion, dignitaries like Kailash Sahu, Rang Panchami coordinator Devendra Singh Bana, Mukesh Solanki, Rajesh Chauhan, Govinda, etc. were present.