Bhopal: All eyes are on Chhindwara Lok Sabha seat of Madhya Pradesh. This is the reason why Congress candidate Nakul Nath has already started preparations for the counting of votes. Nakul Nath has held a meeting of workers at Rani Kothi recently. In this meeting, Nakul Nath told the workers that the eyes of the entire country are fixed on this seat, hence there should not be any mistake.
Congress candidate Nakul Nath said during the meeting with the workers that Chhindwara Lok Sabha seat has seen the maximum voting in entire Madhya Pradesh. That is why everyone needs to be alert. During the assembly elections, all party leaders and workers worked hard. The meaningful result of this dedication and hard work will be achieved on June 4. Nakul Nath told the workers that now I will come back on 3rd June and will reach PG College before you all on 4th June.
Hard work of workers will bear fruit: Nakul
Encouraging the workers, Nakul Nath said, “The hard work of true and honest workers will bear fruits. They will definitely get success. You people deserve this success.”
Thanking the workers, he said, ‘Such an election has never happened in the history of Chhindwara. In the difficult situation, the workers stood shoulder to shoulder with former Chief Minister Kamal Nath.”
PG College has been made the counting venue for Chhindwara Lok Sabha seat. Chhindwara, which is one of the most high profile seats of Madhya Pradesh, has seen a lot of hustle and bustle and a fierce competition during the elections this time. While Congress had fielded Nakul Nath, BJP had fielded its district president Vivek Bunty Sahu. During this period, many Congress leaders had joined BJP. This is the reason why in many ways this election is being considered as the election of Kamal Nath’s credibility, whereas for BJP this election is no less than a litmus test.