Polio drops will be given on 23 June

Bhopal: Deputy Chief Minister Shri Rajendra Shukla has said that the state has remained polio free since 2008. He has expressed gratitude to all the citizens and parents for the cooperation received in this fight against polio. The Deputy Chief Minister said that India is polio free. But polio is still in neighboring countries and can return again. The Deputy Chief Minister has appealed to all the citizens and parents of the state to ensure that there is no lapse in the protection of their children and they must get two drops of life on Polio Day 23 June.

It is noteworthy that with a view to giving double protection to the children, arrangements have been ensured to give two drops of life to children aged 0 to 5 years in all the districts of the state on Sunday 23 June 2024.

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