Training on core teaching skills

  • For Higher Education staff at NITTTR Bhopal

NITTTR Bhopal has taken an innovative initiative for training the academic and non-academic cadre posted in government and autonomous colleges under the Madhya Pradesh Government Higher Education Department. NITTTR Bhopal’s Dean Corporate and International Relations Prof. P.K Purohit said that in the first phase, the principals of Prime Minister Excellence and Autonomous Colleges will be trained on Academic Leadership Development for Governance and Management of the Institute, Assistant Professors on Core Teaching Skills and Technical Staff on Operation and Maintenance of Equipment. In the first program, 55 Assistant Professors of Higher Education from across the state are being trained on Core Teaching Skills.

The Director of NITTTR Bhopal, Prof. C.C. Tripathi, in his message, thanked Higher Education Minister Shri Inder Singh Parmar and Commissioner Nishant Warwade for the training of Principals, Faculty and Staff of Higher Education Department. He said that our Institute is the leading Institute in the country in teacher training. This type of training enhances the capacity of teachers in accordance with the ideals of the National Education Policy, which benefits the students.

Nishant Warwade, Commissioner Higher Education, in his message said that teacher training not only enhances the capacity of teachers, but it also improves the quality of the overall education system. Keeping in mind the rapid changes taking place in society, technological advancement, and global conditions, it is very important for teachers to have training so that they can face these challenges and implement them in their teaching. On this occasion, OSD of Higher Education Dr. Azad Mansoori and Dr. Bashirullah Shaikh, Dr. MA Rizvi of NITTTR Bhopal were present.



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