All should take a pledge to plant as many trees as possible

  • 58th Varsh Vardhan Diwas of Munishri Praman Sagar celebrated
  • 580 plants distributed to people in event

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
“I was born on the day I took my first step on the path of salvation, but if you want to celebrate the worldly Varsh Vardhan Diwas, then this year all should take a pledge that we will protect the environment together. Today, about 15 lakh trees are needed. All of you plant as many trees as possible at your own level. Keeping the environment in mind, everyone should plan and plant trees.” Munishri Praman Sagar Maharaj made this appeal to the people in a program organized on his 58th Varsh Vardhan Diwas.

Panchayat Committee Trust Bhopal’s President Manoj Banga and Minister Manoj RM told that the 58th Varsh Vardhan Diwas of Munishri Praman Sagar Maharaj was celebrated with great pomp by the devotees and Panchayat Committee on Thursday. Munishri is seated in MP Nagar Temple. Where he visited the temple with the trust committee and gave his guidance. On this occasion, Ramesh Chandra Kolkata, Kusum and Atul got the opportunity to wash the feet of Munishri.

Munishri said that a person may be born anywhere but how he lived his life is important. Someone may be born in a palace or in a hut but how he lived his life is worth seeing, like a person living in a hut can also make himself excellent.

Panchayat Committee Trust Minister Manoj RM said that on the occasion of 58th Varsthanvardhan Diwas, 580 trees were distributed to the people by the Panchayat Committee Trust. He also requested to plant as many trees as possible and grow them to contribute to the service of the country and society. On this occasion, hundreds of people from the society were present, including Manoj RM, Dilip Ming, Amit Tadiya, Vijay Modi, Pradeep Sweet, Arvind Jain Roadways, Ashok Saraf, Devendra Ruchi, Adish Jain, Arvind Supari.

Birth is an event, life is a creation

Manishri said that the date of a person’s life is fixed but death is not fixed. It is not important birth but life. Where I was born is not special, how I lived my life is important. I was born on the day I took my first step on the path of salvation but if you want to celebrate the worldly Varshavardhan Diwas then this year everyone should take a pledge that we will protect the environment together. Today there is a need of about 15 lakh trees, all of you should plant as many trees as possible at your own level. Keeping the environment in mind, everyone should plant trees by making a plan.

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