- CBSE announces application and fee date
- Registration also started for class 09-11th examination
Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
CBSE has fixed the exam application date, fees etc. for 10th – 12th board exams. Registration for class 9th – 11th has also started.
This time the board has announced to conduct the exams for the said classes in February, while practical exams will be conducted from January 1. CBSE Board has recently issued a circular regarding registration and exam form. Registration fee has been mentioned in the circular. This time the fee has been fixed at Rs 1500 for five subjects. Registration of students studying in class 9th and 11th has started.
Practical fee Rs 150: According to the circular, Rs 300 has been fixed for additional subjects. Practical fee for each subject has been fixed at Rs 150 for practical exam. Main exams will start from February 15 and practical exams from January 1. Along with this, CBSE Board has abolished this fee for getting a migration certificate. Now the migration certificate will be uploaded directly to the student’s DIGilocker, from where the student can download it anytime.