Combing operations underway to rescue tiger cubs

Bhopal: In an attempt to locate and rescue the two orphaned tiger cubs following the recent death of their mother in a fight with a tiger, about 300 forest personnel conducted a thorough combing operation in the Ratapani jungle on Monday evening. Supervised closely by senior forest officers, the operation aimed to find the cubs, who have been without sustenance since the death of their mother.

The dead tigress was discovered on Saturday, with the decomposed remains of a third cub nearby. However, despite extensive efforts, the whereabouts of the remaining cubs, aged between four to six months, remain elusive. They instinctively retreat into hiding at the slightest sign of human activity, seeking refuge beneath rocks, which has hindered rescue attempts.

Complicating matters, the Ratapani jungle is home to numerous tigers and leopards, adding to the cubs’ fear and wariness. Despite deploying nets and setting up cages on Sunday in a bid to capture them, these efforts have thus far been unsuccessful.

For the past two days, concerted efforts have been ongoing to locate and capture the surviving cubs, yet regrettably, these endeavors have yet to yield results.


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