New Delhi, Jan 24 (UNI) Customs officials have seized gold worth over Rs. 23.76 lakh, concealed inside Nivea cream boxes and Tiger Balm bottles, at Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport in New Delhi, the office of the Commissioner of Customs said on Friday.
“On January 21, an Indian passenger was intercepted after arriving from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,” the statement added.
“A detailed examination of the baggage and a personal search of the passenger led to the recovery of 18 pieces of rhenium-coated gold strips, collectively weighing 318 grams. These strips were concealed in 4 Nivea cream boxes and 10 Tiger Balm bottles, with a total value of Rs. 23,76,471,” it said.
The recovered 18 pieces of rhenium-coated gold strips have been seized under Section 110 of the Customs Act, 1962, based on the reasonable belief that they are liable for confiscation under Section 111 of the Customs Act, 1962.
Further investigation into the matter is ongoing.