Agencies, Berlin
Billionaire Elon Musk waded intoGerman politics on Friday, sharing the post of another account on his
social media platform X that attacked the government’s handling of illegal migration and backed the farright Alternative for Germany (AfD).
Migration has become a hot topic of debate in Germany ahead of elections on Oct. 8 in the states of Bavaria and Hesse, and in Europe at large ahead of European parliamentary elections next year.
The post shared by Musk came from an account identified as Radio Genoa. It criticized the German state
for funding charities rescuing migrants in the Mediterranean and included videos of rescue missions.
“Let’s hope the AfD wins the elections to stop this European suicide”, it read. Critics of the charities accuse them of encouraging people to make the dangerous crossing — something they deny.
Musk, whom Forbes magazine ranks as the world’s richest person with a fortune of about $250 billion
and is the CEO of electric vehicle maker Tesla and rocket launch company SpaceX, has increasingly
injected himself into politics of late.