Guru has an important role in life: CM

  • Teachers’ Day celebration held at Subhash Utkrishta Vidyalaya

Bhopal: Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has said that Guru has an important role in life. The meaning of Guru is that he takes us from darkness to light. Greeting all the teachers of the state on Teachers’ Day, the CM said that teachers are building a great generation by efficiently discharging their responsibilities.

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav was addressing the Teachers’ Honor Ceremony-2024 organized at Government Utkrishta U.M.V. Madhav Nagar Ujjain on Teachers’ Day. On this occasion, Rajya Sabha MP Balayagi Umeshnath Ji Maharaj, MLA Anil Jain Kaluheda, MLA Ghatitiya area Satish Malviya, Bahadur Singh Bormundla, Regional Councilor Smt. Durga Shakti Singh Chaudhary, along with public representatives, School Education Secretary Dr. Sanjay Goyal, Commissioner Public Education Ms. Shilpa Gupta, Divisional Commissioner Sanjay Gupta, Collector Neeraj Kumar Singh and other officers were present.

Dr. Yadav’s address was heard in the Teachers’ Day function organized at Government Subhash Utkrisht Uchchtar Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav’s address was also heard in Teachers’ Day function held at other places in the state.

Teachers were honored

School Education Minister Singh honored the school’s Amita Pandey, Mangalam ItyalamGulab Singh, Sharmishtha Srivastava, Anjana Kapuria, Arpana Narolia, Rashmi Shrivastava, Bharti Dwivedi, Dr. Divya Srivastava, Seema Mathur, Ekta Pathak, Rajendra Jasuja and Subhash Utkrisht Vidyalaya’s Principal Mr. Sudhakar Parashar by presenting shawl and coconut for their remarkable contribution.


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