Hyd: GSl holds Walkathon in commemoration of 175 years of service to Nation

Hyderabad, Mar 2 (UNI) Hyderabad-based Geological Survey of India (GSI), organised a WALKATHON in commemoration of 175 years of Service to the Nation at Sanjeevaiah Children Park here on Sunday.

Established in 1851, GSI, a premier Geoscientific Organisation is the largest and second oldest Geological Survey in the world and is responsible for conducting Geoscientific surveys across the country, providing essential Earth Science information to the government, industry, and the public.

Addressing after inaugurating the event, GSI Additional Director General and Southern Region Head S.D. Patbhaje said the primary objective of this WALKATHON was to raise public awareness about GSI’s 175 years of service to the nation’s development.

The event not only highlighted GSI’s contributions but also emphasised the importance of physical activity and mental well-being within the community, he said.

On the occasion, Patbhaje, also the Chairman of the event, released a souvenir and also inaugurated an exhibition stall set up showcasing samples of various minerals, rocks, ores, fossil fuels, and fossils discovered by GSI since its inception in 1851.

After the inauguration, all the participants walked from Sanjeevaiah Children’s Park to Spoorthi Sthal and back to Sanjeevaiah Children’s Park, covering a 3-kilometre stretch.

“A total of 1,000 members, including dignitaries, officers, and staff of GSI, along with students, academicians, geoscientists from various organisations, and the general public, participated in the event.

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