New Delhi, Aug 16 (UNI) Sony Entertainment Television’s beloved quiz show, “Kaun Banega Crorepati” Season 16, has captivated audiences by bringing together contestants with dreams of transforming their lives and those of their families. Among them is Jayanta Duley from Agai, West Bengal, who is determined to improve sanitation issues in his village.
Jayanta, a 25-year-old student and part-time tuition teacher, has joined the show with his sister, Shikha Duley. Overwhelmed with emotion after winning the Fastest Finger First round, Jayanta hugged his sister to celebrate. His aspiration to build a bathroom for his mother and sister underscores his commitment to enhancing his family’s living conditions.
In Agai, many residents still bathe in a nearby river used for multiple purposes, due to financial constraints. Jayanta’s goal is to raise awareness about the importance of sanitation. He hopes to use the prize money to set an example and ensure every home in his village has a bathroom. Jayanta also aims to become a teacher to further advocate for proper hygiene. “It pains me when I see my mother and sister who have no option but to bathe in a nearby small pond used for various purposes. I want to change this mindset and highlight the importance of hygiene,” Jayanta shared.
The host, Amitabh Bachchan, praised Jayanta’s dedication, stating, “Jayanta, you are an inspiration to all.” Bachchan expressed his support for Jayanta’s mission, noting the seriousness of the issue. “It’s painful to hear that, in this day and age, your mother and sister still have to bathe in the open,” Bachchan remarked.
Jayanta’s story serves as a poignant reminder of how determination and dreams can drive positive change in communities. Reflecting on his experience, Jayanta added, “Kaun Banega Crorepati is more than a game for me; it’s a beacon of hope that will not only help me financially but will also provide the credibility needed to inspire my village to recognise the value of proper hygiene. I am profoundly grateful for this opportunity, as it means a lot to me.”
In addition to his goals, Jayanta shared lighter moments with Bachchan, discussing his passion for cricket and his participation in the Eastern District Premier League. Bachchan also shared a personal anecdote about his own father’s advice on pursuing a teaching career, adding a touch of humour to the studio.
Catch this heartwarming episode of “Kaun Banega Crorepati” Season 16, airing Monday to Friday at 9:00 PM on Sony Entertainment Television.