Bhopal: Hanumanganj police of the capital has searched for 50 lost mobile phones and tablets with the help of CEIR portal. These mobiles are being returned to the complainants. The total cost of the mobiles and tablets searched is said to be around 10 lakh rupees. According to the information, Police Commissioner Harinarayanachari Mishra had given instructions to prevent property related crimes and develop an informer system to arrest the criminals as well as ensure recovery of the goods. Under these instructions, DCP Zone No. 3 Riyaz Iqbal had formed a special team to search for lost and stolen mobile phones in the area. During the last few months, the police team had received applications for lost mobiles from different areas of the police station area and on different dates.
Taking the above incidents seriously, the police team immediately put the lost mobiles for searching on the cyber portal CEIR. During the search, a total of 50 mobiles were recovered by getting updated information of the mobiles and getting CDR and CAFE report of various numbers. The recovered mobiles are being delivered to their owners. Their commendable role Under the guidance of DCP Riyaz Iqbal, police station in-charge Awadhesh Singh Bhadoria, SI Vivek Sharma, constables Vijendra Makode, Ashish Verma, Roshan Prajapati, Mukesh Gawande, Naveen Bhuria, Mamlesh Tilwadiya, Sanjesh Parmar and lady constable Yogita Uike played a commendable role in recovering the mobiles.
Absconding accused in the murder case caught
Hanumanganj police has arrested the absconding accused in the murder case. One accused killed the youth by hitting tiles on the head, while the other two hid the evidence. The police was searching for the three accused for about two and a half months. According to the information, on August 16, information was received from Hamidia Hospital that Javed alias Arif Khan (30), resident of Congress Nagar Tila, was brought in injured, who has died. During the postmortem investigation, it was found that a youth named Deepak attacked Arif in a room of Adarsh ??Lodge over some issue, due to which he died. In this case, lodge operator Javed and employee Lakhan had destroyed the evidence. Police had registered a case of murder against all three. They had absconded after the incident.