Man arrested after slitting 8-yr-old daughter’s throat

Bhopal: In a disturbing incident in Bhopal, a father was apprehended for reportedly attempting to kill his 8-year-old daughter by slitting her throat on Monday night. After committing the act, he left the bleeding child in a secluded area before fleeing the scene. Fortunately, the girl managed to stand up and seek help from passersby.

Upon being notified, the police swiftly responded, and with the assistance of bystanders, the injured girl was rushed to the hospital in critical condition.

The arrested suspect, Tej Singh Lodhi, disclosed during the investigation that he resorted to this extreme measure due to his daughter’s repeated disobedience and refusal to listen to him.

According to the police report, Tej Singh left home with his daughter, Preeti Lodhi, ostensibly to visit her grandparents on Monday evening. However, upon reaching the Koh-e-Fiza area of the city, he halted, slit her throat, and threw her in the bushes. Fleeing the scene when some vehicles approached, he left his daughter bleeding.

Preeti, displaying remarkable resilience, approached a passerby on a motorcycle for assistance. The police were subsequently alerted, and she was promptly taken to the hospital.

Sub-Inspector Brajendra Marskole stated that the accused is currently undergoing interrogation. Initial findings indicate that the father acted out of frustration with his daughter’s behavior, leading to this drastic step. Further investigations are ongoing to determine the motive behind the incident.

Preeti Lodhi is now receiving medical care at Hamidia Hospital, accompanied by her mother. Conflicting statements were initially given, with the mother and daughter suggesting an unknown assailant attacked Preeti.

However, in a later statement, Preeti accused her father, Tej Singh Lodhi, of being the perpetrator. Tej Singh, a laborer, resides in a rented house in Tila Jamalpur.

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