Bhopal: Panchayat Committee Trust President Manoj Banga, Secretary Manoj RM told that Pujya Muni Praman Sagar Ji Maharaj’s vihar started from Nehru Nagar to Jawahar Chowk temple.
Shravaks welcomed the Muni Sangh with rangoli and aarti thali at various places.
This evening’s doubt resolution program was held at Jawahar Chowk. In which Shravaks from Indore Bawanganja asked questions. At present, the relevance of elders and grandparents like Dada, Dadi, Nana, Nani etc. is ending, as a result of which our elders are going to old age homes.
Muni said that we should strengthen the values ??in the family. Maintain affection and love among each other.
Another youth asked that Guruvar, how to save oneself from the fear of death. Muni said that the fear of death haunts every human being. This creature is haunted by fear due to its attachment to life. When I cannot die, I am immortal, then why fear? When I am unborn, when birth happens to the body, death also happens to the body.
Anup Jain asked what the difference between Santhara and suicide is. Muni said that there is a lot of difference between Sallekhana and suicide. Suicide is done with the desire to die, while Sallekhana is done to get out of the cycle of birth and death.