Neighbor sexually abuses woman

Jahangirabad police has registered a case against a neighbor youth for sexually abusing and threatening to kill her on the report of a woman. According to the police, the 22-year-old woman living in the area is a housewife. She used to visit the house of a youth named Ravi living in the neighborhood. Four months ago, the woman had gone to Ravi’s house to get some goods. At that time Ravi was alone at home. Taking advantage of the loneliness, he raped the woman and threatened to kill the girl if she told anyone. After that, he had physical relations with the woman several times by threatening her. Recently, when the husband came to know about it, there was a dispute between the couple, after which the woman went to her maternal home. There, she informed the family about the incident, after which the family took her to the police station. The police have registered a case against the accused.


Elderly man injured in accident dies

A 70-year-old man injured in an accident in Khajuri Sadak area died during treatment. The police registered a case and after conducting the post-mortem, handed over the body to the family. According to the police, Bhagwat Singh (70) lived in village Rasuliya plateau and was a farmer. On September 8, he returned from Bairagarh with his relative. At around 10:30 pm, he was crossing the road near Pipaliya Jod, when a speeding truck hit him. Bhagwat Singh was seriously injured in this accident. The police have registered a case against the truck driver who hit him.


Youth dies after consuming poison

A young man living in Bairagarh area consumed poisonous substance. He was rushed to the hospital for treatment, where he died. According to the police, Kallu Raikwar (35), originally a resident of Vidisha, lived in Bairagarh near the Jain temple and worked as a labourer. On Thursday, he consumed some poisonous substance in front of his house. The people around took him to Hamidia Hospital for treatment, where he died late at night.


Youth dies after falling from tree

A youth living in Chola Mandir area died under suspicious circumstances. He fell from a tree. Police is waiting for the postmortem report. According to information, Amit Ahirwar (28) lived in Bhanpur Multi and worked in a nursery. On Thursday, he climbed a tree in the nursery, when suddenly he fell down. He was taken to a private hospital for treatment, where he died. It is believed that Amit must have been bitten by an insect, due to which he fell. Police say that the cause of death will be revealed only after receiving the postmortem report.

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