New Vice Chancellor of BU brings big changes in 2 years

  • University is running 400 colleges in 8 districts
  • 350 private colleges in Barkatullah University

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
The capital Bhopal’s Barkatullah University is running 400 colleges in 8 districts. Out of this, 350 are private colleges. Many big changes have been seen here in the last 2-3 years. Not only this, many big changes will be seen in the future as well.

The credit for these changes goes to the Vice Chancellor of the university, Dr. SK Jain.

Navabharat/Central Chronicle reporter Kavita Singh Rathore met him and found out what big changes happened here after his arrival in this institution. The special thing is that the degree which used to be received in months and years from Barkatullah, after his arrival, the students have received it in 2 hours. Along with this, the students have got many new facilities.

Some excerpts from Navbharat/Central Chronicle Reporter’s discussion with the Vice Chancellor:

Question – When did you become the Vice Chancellor and what changes have happened since then?

Answer – I was appointed on 17 September 2022. After his arrival, his first focus was on the working of the staff of Barkatullah University. How honestly are they working? Strict action (like stopping salary and terminating) was taken against the employees who did not work honestly. Because he says that he is sitting here for the students.

Question – What is your first focus while being in the post of VC?

Answer – His focus is on research work. For this, he conducted sessions for industry visits of 10 lakh students last year, so that students learn research themselves. He believes that he will first provide facilities to students and later take work from them, which will provide employment to them.

Question – I have heard that you have taken some new initiatives to ensure transparency in work in the university.

Answer – Videography has been started during all the practicals. Apart from this, work is being done to install cameras in the entire office as well.

Question – If students are not satisfied with their results, what is the arrangement for that?

Answer – If the student is not satisfied with his result, he can see his copy by filling the copy rechecking, opening form and can also get it checked again. If even then he is not satisfied then the copy is rechecked by an expert in the presence of the student. This whole process takes 15-20 days.

Question – It is reported that you have taken several strict steps to prevent cheating.

Answer – They have told that strict action is taken against all the students who are caught cheating. Either they are rusticated for one year or any other strict action that can be taken.

Question – Will some new technical courses be launched in the coming time?

Answer – He said that at present our focus is on quality education and in the coming time we plan to launch 4 new technical courses.

Question – What do you have to say about the delay in results here?

Answer – Yes, it is happening right now, but we are also working on it. In the coming time, both the exam and the result will start coming in 2 months. For this, I myself am giving technical and logical training to the employees.

Question – What suggestions would you give so that students get a good education?

Answer – Nowadays students do not want to study, they should study. We are ready to give new ideas here, but the students will have to work on them. They will have to think, then their future will be bright.

Question – What facilities are provided by the central government for the development of the university?

Answer – Recently, the central government has given 100 crores to Barkatullah University under PM Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), which can now be used to provide better facilities to the students. Whether it is related to the world of sports, today children are winning medals in national games. We are making a lot of efforts to promote sports in BU. Our aim is especially to encourage girl students. At the end he said one line, we are the servants of the students and are always ready to serve them.

– Dr. SK Jain, Vice Chancellor, BU University, Bhopal.

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