Bhopal,Collector Dhar Shri Priyank Mishra said that at no cost, law and order will be allowed to deteriorate in Pithampur. No one will be allowed to disrupt law and order. During the peaceful demonstration, all the people are being heard and their issues are also being resolved. Continuous communication is being established with the public.
Collector Shri Mishra said that the public is being made aware, things are being explained to them. Necessary action is being taken as per the instructions of the Honorable Supreme Court. Every activity is being monitored in a transparent manner. No person’s livelihood will be allowed to be affected. Collector Shri Mishra has said that we will communicate with everyone and solve all the problems.
Collector Shri Mishra has said that as per the instructions of Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav, all issues will be resolved by staying within the ambit of the Constitution. He has appealed not to protest on the streets. All the issues of the common people will be heard.