Number of airline routes has increased to 605 from 209 in 2014: Prez Murmu

New Delhi, June 27 (UNI) Noting that massive investments have been made over the last 10 years, particularly in small cities and towns, President Droupadi Murmu said on Thursday that the number of airline routes in the country has increased to 605 from 209 in April 2024.

“This increase in the aviation routes has directly benefited Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities,” Murmu said in her address to Parliament.

The president said that the government is working to make India’s public transport system one of the best in the world.

“In 10 years, Metro has reached 21 cities. Work is going on in many schemes, such as Vande Metro,” she said.

President Murmu stated that the government is also committed to making cities the best living spaces in the world.

“Living in cities that are pollution-free, clean, and have amenities is the right of Indian citizens,” she said.

Murmu said that the future is going to be ‘Harit Yug’ or the Green Era and noted that the government is taking all necessary steps in this direction.

“We are increasing investments in green industries, leading to an increase in green jobs.” Be it green energy or green mobility, we are working with ambitious goals on all fronts,” she said.

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