Over 50,000 free kidney dialysis performed

Bhopal: Guru Harkrishan Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, run by Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC), has provided more than 50,000 kidney dialysis completely free of cost during the last three years. GMC Production has captured this wonderful journey of humanitarian service in a documentary. Sardar Inder Preet Singh, Founder, GMF and GMC said that the beneficiaries of free dialysis are the service being provided to people from all communities and all religions across the country. Still more than 2000 patients are on the waiting list to avail this health service. According to Sardar Inder Preet Singh, the purpose of this documentary made in collaboration with Global Midas Foundation is to make the entire country and the world aware of such humanitarian health services of Sangat and Panth. For ‘Sarbat Da Bhala’ life saving selfless healthcare is being provided, so that people who cannot afford such treatment can avail it and save their lives. He said that providing free health langar service on such a large scale without compensation by any scheme is a great achievement.

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