Regional Conclaves at the Division Level to Continue: CM Dr. Yadav

  • Industrialists from Home and Abroad coming to Invest in MP
Bhopal : Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav stated that the government is actively pursuing industrialization by holding regional conclaves across divisions to attract investment, which has been met with a positive response. These regional conclaves will continue throughout the state. The initiative is yielding encouraging results in terms of job creation. The regional industry conclaves are viewed as a major development effort, drawing significant interest from both international investors and domestic industrialists seeking large-scale investment opportunities.

The recent Regional Industries Conclaves in Ujjain and Jabalpur were successful, and the next event is scheduled for Gwalior on Wednesday, August 28. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav announced in a media discussion that the Global Investor Summit will take place in Bhopal in February 2025. He emphasized the government’s ongoing efforts towards industrialization, including conducting regional conclaves across various divisions to attract investment. Following the Gwalior conclave, similar events will be held in Sagar and Rewa.

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that the TWE-OBT Industry Group and a German company have launched a new investment in Acharpura today, totaling around 125 crore rupees. He highlighted that this investment is particularly noteworthy because the product they are developing is unprecedented in India. Previously, the materials used for children’s diapers were imported from China, but now they will be manufactured domestically.

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav told that the investor company says that the investment we are making will be taken forward up to four times. The expansion of this factory will be up to 1000 crore rupees.

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