- Residents protest snapping of power connection and inflated bills
Bhopal: On Thursday, many people created a ruckus in the zone office of the electricity company located in Chandbad, Bhopal, in protest against disconnection of electricity collection and inflated bills. They gheraoed the office and accused the officers of arbitrariness.
They said that the electricity company is sending inflated bills. When the bills are not deposited, a fine is being charged. At the same time, electricity connections of economically weaker families are also being cut, which is wrong.
Congress leader Shukla said, a large number of people surrounded the Chandbad zone office due to illegal recovery and fake challan and demanded an answer from AE Agarwal.
The residents also accused the electricity department of illegal recovery by forcibly removing the old meter on the pretext of installing smart meter and citing fault in the meter. Shukla said that by making cases, notices of illegal recovery have been handed over to the poor. At the same time, electricity of the residents is being cut on the pretext of power theft.