Women police scooty team for safety of girls

Bhopal: As per the instructions of Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav, patrolling by the Women Police Scooty Team has been ensured by the Police Department in Ratlam for the safety of girls. In view of the Navratri festival, the district and police administration have ensured other security arrangements for the safety of girls and women coming to play Garba.

The Women Police Scooty Team was flagged off by Superintendent of Police Mr. Amit Kumar from the old control room. The scooty team will tour around all the Garba pandals in the city from 7 pm to 1 am during the Navratri festival. The safety of women and girls coming during the festival will be monitored from miscreants and those who molest them.

This is another important step of Ratlam Police regarding women’s safety, in which about 25 women police personnel will be involved. Even after the Navratri festival, this team will patrol the sensitive areas of the city.

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